Welcome to the LeagueofRedheads.com. The League of Redheads was created by a redheaded designer named Melissa Renee Pohl, who had a vision of a place on the internet that could become a hub where people could get accurate and in depth information about redheads, and which could eventually become a gathering place for the redhead community through the use of our Facebook group (coming soon!) For more about The League of Redheads read on…

Our Mission:

The League of Redheads motto is to "protect and uphold the glory of the redheaded race." Obviously, redheads aren't a race in the traditional sense. We don't all come from the same place, and contrary to what many people assume, we are represented by people with skin colors in every tone known to man. Nevertheless redheads have been called the largest minority in the world, meaning that when compared to racial groups, there is no population smaller than that of the redhead.

This means that like any other minority, many members of our group have suffered from discrimination, prejudice, and even hate crimes. This situation has existed throughout history and has in fact gotten worse in the last few years, contributing to the an attitude of fear, shame, and even self-hate among redheads.

League of Redheads wants to empower redheads to feel good about being their unique coloring. We believe that to be a redhead is to be a part of an elite group of rare, beautiful and mysterious people, that all redheads should feel fortunate and proud to be a part of.

We want to impart to all the redheads of the world a sense of pride and brother-ship among redheads, as well to break down all the walls of ignorance that create many of the misunderstandings surrounding what it means to be a redhead. In order to accomplish this, we have created a website which collects information about redheads and the facts and myths about them. Please feel free to browse this site freely and educate yourself about the truth about the redheaded race!

1. Join the Gang

Sign up through Facebook Join the central hub of league of redheads, our Facebook group. Visit our page >>

2. Learn More

Check out out facts vs. myths page, and our links page for more information about redheads. See our facts >>

3. Take the Survey

Coming soon! This survey will help us all find out more about who redheads really are. Take the Survey >>